Life As A Real Estate Investor

Selling my home after my military husband got deployed

Selling my home after my military husband got deployed

My husband is in the military and is constantly on the move. I should have known better. When we first got together he got a deployment, I moved and bought a house. I put down way too many roots. The house was paid for, departed, and I had a job that I loved. Then my

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The home was too extravagant for me

The home was too extravagant for me

The stress of paying the mortgage as well as doing the care for that giant home was a problem, then also, living in the heart of the city was super extravagant… Now I am on the outskirts as well and everything is much cheaper. I made a mistake when I bought my Indianapolis, IN home;

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The house was too expensive for me to keep so I sold it for cash

The house was too expensive for me to keep so I sold it for cash

I made a mistake when I bought my Indianapolis, IN home. I bought a house way beyond my price means and I couldn’t keep up with it. I started missing mortgage payments and realized that I needed to sell it. I couldn’t let myself get to the point where the home was foreclosed or I

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Using a pallet rack freight broker is cost effective

Using a pallet rack freight broker is cost effective

I changed over to using a pallet rack freight broker instead of moving my materials on my own. I used to do everything and it was a nightmare. I was constantly damaging the product due to handling it so much. It is easy to misplace items, pack them wrong,a dn lose out on time. Also,

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Hate being a proprietor, I sold my properties for cash

Hate being a proprietor, I sold my properties for cash

You don’t have to do any work other than agree on a price tag I do not like how much work there is with rental properties. It never stops. After learning the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I wanted to get into the rental game. I figured it would work out quite nicely. I would

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Had to sell my Florida house fast due to moving

Had to sell my Florida house fast due to moving

My wife is in the military and that means my good friend and I bump around from locale to locale a lot. It didn’t occur to me until too late that buying a house is dumb. I thought after basic training my good friend and I would be in our house for a long time.

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The Florida home buyer took my water damaged home

The Florida home buyer took my water damaged home

Renting it out wasn’t a pleasant experience at all After I moved out of my starter home I decided to rent it out. It was going great until I got one pair of renters that were just awful. They never were happy in the place. They never kept up with yardwork or called me about

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Selling my fire damaged home went so easy

Selling my fire damaged home went so easy

A few years ago I had a small kitchen fire occur that completely wrecked one of the walls. Around the time I was looking at purchasing another home. I didn’t want to invest money into getting that home back to normal. The fire damage was pretty bad and I would have needed to contact a

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Using a pallet rack freight for my business

Using a pallet rack freight for my business

I changed over to using a pallet rack freight broker instead of moving my materials on my own, however i used to do everything & it was a eveningmare. I was always damaging the product due to handling it so much. It is easy to misplace items, pack them wrong,a dn lose out on time,

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Using a pallet rack freight broker is so easy

Using a pallet rack freight broker is so easy

It is much lower than what I am used to. I changed over to using a pallet rack freight broker instead of moving my materials on my own! I used to do everything and it was a nightmare. I was constantly damaging the product due to handling it so much. It is easy to misplace

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Using a pallet rack freight

Using a pallet rack freight

I changed over to using a pallet rack freight broker instead of moving my materials on my own, i used to do everything plus it was a nightmare. I was constantly damaging the product due to handling it so much. It is straight-forward to misplace items, pack them wrong,a dn lose out on time, however

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Using a pallet rack freight broker is not that hard

Using a pallet rack freight broker is not that hard

I changed over to using a pallet rack freight broker instead of moving my materials on my own, however i used to do everything plus it was a nightmare. I was always damaging the product due to handling it so much. It is easy to misplace items, pack them wrong,a dn lose out on time,

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