Only one choice when you have a termite detriment home

Only one choice when you have a termite detriment home

I let my dwelling get away from me. I didn’t have the condo official checked plus I wasn’t fantastic about looking around the property. I purchased the dwelling plus basically ignored it. I stayed over at my boyfriends most of the time. Then my associate and I decided to get married plus I made the

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Selling a Portland regularly fast due to a sticky family situation

Selling a Portland regularly fast due to a sticky family situation

I don’t come from a fantastic family background; Not all of us are full-blooded siblings. My buddy and I all have weird fathers plus it was a volatile household. I got away from it all. I moved plus never talked to my family again. I only reached out to my mother from time to time.

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My kid deals with local home buyers on a common basis

My kid deals with local home buyers on a common basis

My kid works for some Jacksonville real estate investors in addition to so she deals with local home buyers in northeast Florida on a common basis. She absolutely enjoys her job in addition to the fact that she has been working there for a long time now. She says that it’s fun for him to

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Selling a hoarder condo for currency

Selling a hoarder condo for currency

My Grandma was an unquestionably nice guy, he just was a bit of a hoarder. She was the level of hoarder where he slept all sorts of newspapers, magazines, empty pill cartridges, etc. His dwelling had rugs on top of rugs, all sorts of chairs plus you could hardly transport around in it. It didn’t

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Military family needed to sell their home

Military family needed to sell their home

My hubby is in the repair plus we frequently have to move! For a long time, the two of us weren’t truly smart with our purchases, my friend and I would get to a current section plus I would immediately go home, and then we started getting into trouble because we owned a home, however

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Selling property due to water issues

Selling property due to water issues

I got a very fair deal for what I was giving him There are no basements in Florida. I never understood why. I then found a place that had a basement and was so excited. I can store things in there. I can use it as a workout space. How lucky was I? The person

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Selling my home after my military husband got deployed

Selling my home after my military husband got deployed

My husband is in the military and is constantly on the move. I should have known better. When we first got together he got a deployment, I moved and bought a house. I put down way too many roots. The house was paid for, departed, and I had a job that I loved. Then my

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This home is so damaged

This home is so damaged

There are no basements in Florida. I never understood why. I then found a place that had a basement and was so excited. I can store things in there. I can use it as a workout space. How lucky was I? The woman who sold it did it in the dry season, that jerk. After

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Needed to sell my Jax loft when I relocated

Needed to sell my Jax loft when I relocated

I used to know I would be in Jacksonville, FL my entire life. I planned to live in the same house, get married, have youngsters, and that would be it. Well I never met anyone I wanted to stay with. I was single, no youngsters, and my arena of labor was offering a significant promotion

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The Florida home buyer took my water damaged home

The Florida home buyer took my water damaged home

Renting it out wasn’t a pleasant experience at all After I moved out of my starter home I decided to rent it out. It was going great until I got one pair of renters that were just awful. They never were happy in the place. They never kept up with yardwork or called me about

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Selling multi family home without a real estate agent

Selling multi family home without a real estate agent

My town has one real estate agent, Melissa. She is the one I bought my house from and I didn’t like her. I then had to buy a couple of rental properties all from her. The woman notoriously passes up the numbers just to make it a better rate for her. She isn’t looking for

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Using a pallet rack freight

Using a pallet rack freight

I changed over to using a pallet rack freight broker instead of moving my materials on my own, i used to do everything plus it was a nightmare. I was constantly damaging the product due to handling it so much. It is straight-forward to misplace items, pack them wrong,a dn lose out on time, however

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Using a pallet rack freight broker is so easy

Using a pallet rack freight broker is so easy

It is much lower than what I am used to. I changed over to using a pallet rack freight broker instead of moving my materials on my own! I used to do everything and it was a nightmare. I was constantly damaging the product due to handling it so much. It is easy to misplace

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Selling a damaged divorce home for cash

Selling a damaged divorce home for cash

I am now glad that I am out of that situation. I went through a really messy divorce with my ex. It got bitter very quickly and things got crazy. My wife charged up all the credit cards so that as a couple we had to split the debt. She also totally trashed our house

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