Undesirable renter makes cash sales a relief

Undesirable renter makes cash sales a relief

I bought a rental property with an established tenant. I was told that the renter had plans to move out at the end of the year. While it was helpful to earn steady rental income to cover the mortgage on the property, I was looking forward to doing some much-needed updates. Once the renter moved

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Family emergency requires speedy home sale

Family emergency requires speedy home sale

I lived in Jacksonville, Florida, for almost five years. I really loved the area. The weather and landscape are truly beautiful, the people friendly, and there’s always fun activities available. When I first moved to Jacksonville, I purchased a house that was a bit beyond my means. I fell in love with the hardwood floors,

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I don't want this rental property anymore

I don't want this rental property anymore

My mother purchased a rental way back in the day. She purchased in Jacksonville Florida and put a bunch of leaseholders in there. For years she was a household manager. She was absolutely great about hiring for upkeep. She made her leaseholders super cheerful by catering to them for years. Then she passed and I

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Selling property due to water issues

Selling property due to water issues

I got a very fair deal for what I was giving him There are no basements in Florida. I never understood why. I then found a place that had a basement and was so excited. I can store things in there. I can use it as a workout space. How lucky was I? The person

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Selling my inherited rental property

Selling my inherited rental property

My mother bought a rental way back in the day. She bought in Jacksonville Florida and put a bunch of tenants in there. For years she was a property manager. She was really great about hiring for upkeep. She made her tenants super happy by catering to them for years. Then she passed and I

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This home is so damaged

This home is so damaged

There are no basements in Florida. I never understood why. I then found a place that had a basement and was so excited. I can store things in there. I can use it as a workout space. How lucky was I? The woman who sold it did it in the dry season, that jerk. After

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Needed to sell my Jax loft when I relocated

Needed to sell my Jax loft when I relocated

I used to know I would be in Jacksonville, FL my entire life. I planned to live in the same house, get married, have youngsters, and that would be it. Well I never met anyone I wanted to stay with. I was single, no youngsters, and my arena of labor was offering a significant promotion

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Trying to sell my home with awful neighbors

Trying to sell my home with awful neighbors

I bought a home In Jax, FL about three years ago. I loved the place. It was new, modern, and had a nice yard. It also was near the water and the city center. I was so excited to have all the things I ever wanted. I quickly realized why I got the place for

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Selling a damaged divorce home for cash

Selling a damaged divorce home for cash

I am now glad that I am out of that situation. I went through a really messy divorce with my ex. It got bitter very quickly and things got crazy. My wife charged up all the credit cards so that as a couple we had to split the debt. She also totally trashed our house

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Selling my home after my military husband got deployed

Selling my home after my military husband got deployed

My husband is in the military and is constantly on the move. I should have known better. When we first got together he got a deployment, I moved and bought a house. I put down way too many roots. The house was paid for, departed, and I had a job that I loved. Then my

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Selling a Portland regularly fast due to a sticky family situation

Selling a Portland regularly fast due to a sticky family situation

I don’t come from a fantastic family background; Not all of us are full-blooded siblings. My buddy and I all have weird fathers plus it was a volatile household. I got away from it all. I moved plus never talked to my family again. I only reached out to my mother from time to time.

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Selling a divorce condo for currency due to its condition

Selling a divorce condo for currency due to its condition

My ex-husband plus I had a volatile relationship. My buddy and I were that couple that regularly fought, even in public. My buddy and I screamed, threw things, plus my associate and I made the decision to go on plus off again. Once it was time to officially divorce, things got legitimately bad. My husband

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